Retrieves the objects of the type of ReturnEntity based on the identifiers retrieved in the SQL query. Java action (gist)
Useful for complex or heavy queries, or queries that require clauses not supported by OQL or xPath queries, such as having, group by, where in. For example when retrieving available time slots from a planning based on a set of conditions. Based on the query api blog post by Andrej Koelewijn.
Replace tokens in a string with their attribute value#
Input a string and object, the tokens marked with {AttributeName} will be replaced by the attribute value of said attribute. Java action (gist)based upon this StackOverflow
Validate the signature you received. It will generate the signature; using your secret and compare that signature with the signature you receive in the webhook payload. Java action (gist)based upon this StackOverflow
HMAC SHA-256 algorithm, create a hash (using secret as a key) of the entire received payload as binary.