Hi, I'm Stephan!

Low code developer and solution architect. I share insights, knowledge, tips & tricks about Mendix and Be Informed, and other stuff I just love.

Low code development & solution architecture

Low-code helps you develop faster. Whether you’re looking to speed up development time by helping your pro developers build apps more quickly with reusable components or by allowing your non-professional developers the ability to create their own applications. Organisations all over the world are turning to low-code development to accelerate digitalization. Through a visual modelling language, development is faster because professional developers can use one common language to create enterprise-ready applications.

I have over 10 years of experience developing with the low code platforms Mendix and Be Informed. Building innovative solutions and solving complex problems. I can help your organisation to unleash the full potential of low code and grow your digitization capabilities. As an experienced low code developer and solution architect I will guide you in making design and architecture decisions; creating applications that are maintainable, highly performant, and scalable, and can cope with the complex nature of enterprise systems and integration.

About me

Hi, I am a freelance low code developer and solution architect living in the Netherlands with my lovely wife and two beautiful kids. I love spending time with them. My hobbies are beach volleyball, military history and gaming. I occasionally blog about stuff I find useful, or when I did a deep dive into an interesting topic. Contact me on linkedin.com/in/stephanbruijnis/ or via e-mail: info@stephanbruijnis.dev.
Or take a look at what I'm doing now.